Transdermal Healing


Transdermal Healing

Healing through the sense of touch is an integral part of the ayurvedic approach. The use of topical herbal pastes, poultices, sachets and oils is discussed at length in the ayurvedic texts, with much attention paid to the formulation and preparation of these transdermal healing substances. The ancient ayurvedic healers understood the psychological as well as the physical benefits of the nurturing touch. Another meaning for the Sanskrit word for oil, sneham, is love. Massage is both infinitely relaxing and intensely rejuvenating at the same time because of the psychological as well as physical healing benefit it imparts.

The three sub-doshas that govern skin health-Vyana Vata, Bhrajaka Pitta and Shleshaka Kapha--are all balanced by abhyanga, the ayurvedic daily warm-oil massage. The key is to use a massage oil that incorporates all the qualities mentioned in the ayurvedic texts-the ideal massage oil should be lubricating, nourishing, easily absorbed, balancing to all the doshas and nurturing for body, mind and spirit.

Benefits of Transdermal Healing

  • Avoid the pain on injection
  • produce excellent prolonged effects
  • Offer more comfort to paitients
  • Long duration of action

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