Prakriti Analysis Test

Approach to Treatment

Treatment in Ayurveda is mainly based on balancing of three important elements, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, as imbalance in these elements adversely affects body functioning causing ailment. Ayurveda has three broad approaches to treatment. These are elimination therapies (Shodana or Panchkarma), purification therapies (Shamana) and nourishing therapies (Bhrimana).

History & Philosophy

Ayurveda” is composed of two words, “Ayur” means “life” and “Veda” which is an epitome for “wisdom”. First documentation of Ayurveda is found in the Vedas, the world's oldest existing literature, originated in India over a period of time several centuries ago as a compilation of the wisdom of Rishis or Seers of ancient India. Thus, Ayurveda has a long history of Indian medical tradition dating back to several centuries.

Ayurveda is evolved from the quest to have a happy life through a deep understanding of creation and its maintenance, perceived and conceived by the Rishis who sought to reveal the deepest truths of human physiology and health.In philosophical terms, Ayurveda treats life as a union of soul, mind and body, and perceives healthy life as well-being of all these interdependent systems and their synergy. It is this deep rooted philosophy that makes Ayurveda unique as an unconventional medical system.

Prakriti Test

# Characteristics Vata Pitta Kapha
1 Body Size
2 Nails
3 Hair Colour
4 Elimination
5 Eyes
6 Lips
7 General Feel of Skin
8 Liking Tastes
9 Thirst
10 Digestion
11 Physical Activity
12 Mental Activity
13 Which bothers you most
14 Memory
15 Sleep
16 Temperament
17 Concentration
18 Emotion
19 Speech
20 Mind