Frequently Asked Questions
The bio-energies know as VATA, PITTA and KAPHA are the three DOSHA. The term DOSHA stands for “something unstable.” Indicating the critical state of balance of these energies. (Read the ayurvedic principles question) VATA is a derivative of WIND that is co-operated with SPACE. Functionally it governs all voluntary and involuntary movements. PITTA is the integration of primary FIRE (SUN) that is counter-balanced by WATER. Physiologically it governs all the transformation and conversion.
Ayurveda is a 5000+ year old system of medicine that originated in India. The aim of Ayurveda is to establish a balance between the mind, body, and spirit. It is focused on the unique constitution of each person.
Ayurveda utilizes diet and lifestyle recommendations along with herbal supplements, yoga, and other unique therapies involving oils, herbs, therapeutic body work, and other techniques. Ayurveda treatments are personalized depending on each patient’s condition and constitution.