Oleation Therapy

Oleation Therapy

Oleation Therapy, is one of the most important therapies that prepares the body to receive specialized Panchakarma treatment. Oleation Therapy involves the application of medicated oils, ghee and herbs to the body internally and externally for three to seven days. Oleation Therapy is crucial as it loosens amam, or toxins, and doshas in the body, thereby facilitating their expulsion during Pradhanakarma stage. Bahya Snehana (External Oleation) and Abhyantara Snehana (Internal Oleation) are the two primary types of Oleation Therapy.

When should you take Oleation therapy

  • Physical weakness
  • Mental unbalances
  • Vata disorders
  • Too much thirst
  • Infertility
Internal Oleation

Oleation Therapy, is one of the most important therapies that prepares the body to receive specialized Panchakarma treatment. Oleation Therapy involves the application of medicated oils, ghee and herbs to the body internally and externally for three to seven days. Oleation Therapy is crucial as it loosens amam, or toxins, and doshas in the body, thereby facilitating their expulsion during Pradhanakarma stage. Bahya Snehana (External Oleation) and Abhyantara Snehana (Internal Oleation) are the two primary types of Oleation Therapy.

Achapana Snehapana is the consumption of Sneha (ghee), non-medicated or medicated form. This is not mixed with any other medical preparation or food items. It is used for lubricating and softening the tissues of the human body before carrying out the Sodhana therapy of Panchakarma.
Vicharana Snehapana is the consumption of oil with other Ayurvedic medicines and other food products. It is also used for the lubrication purposes of the various parts of the human body.
External Oleation

This process is also known as the Bahya Sneha. Externally, the treatment is carried out in the form of Siro Abyangam or Head massage, oil pulling or gargles, Abhyangam or Oil Massage and Lepa.

Benifite of Oleation therapy

  • Helps in eliminating the toxic materials from the body of the individuals.
  • Detoxifies the body and its various vital organs
  • Eliminates the various Vata disorders effectively.
  • Provides a wonderful lubrication of the various parts of the body.
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