
Sun Burn

Skin is the largest part of the body, which comes in contact with the sun's rays. The sun's ultraviolet rays enter the skin and help in the formation of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a liquid substance that darkens the skin. Excess of melanin in the body darkens the skin. Exposure to sun radiation also helps the body to produce vitamin D and heat.
When the body is exposed to too many ultraviolet rays, it causes a condition called sunburn. Burning due to ultraviolet rays also occurs when the body is exposed to other sources of ultraviolet rays such as phototherapy lamps, arc lamps, and tanning beds.

Reason For Sun Burn

  • Sunburn is also caused due to prolonged exposure to the sun
  • People who live in high places, where the sun's rays reach them easily, people also get sunburn quickly.
  • Sun burn also occurs when ultraviolet rays fall on the skin.
  • Sun burn quickly occurs due to lack of melanin in the body.

Symptoms of Sun Burn

  • Inflammation appears on the affected area due to sunburn.
  • Small blisters also occur on the body which can also break.
  • The skin also becomes warm due to sunburn.
  • Itching, pain, etc. on the skin can be a problem.