About Us


Ayurvigyan Rejuvnation Centre

Ayurvigyan Rejuvnation Centre (ARC) was founded in 2000 with a vision to bring the benefits of the vast knowledge of the ancient Indian medical system, “Ayurveda”, for improving the health of human being. From an humble beginning to serve the people of Lucknow city, the Centre has grown steadily to attract patients not only from within India but also from Abroad.
In the past 20 years, we have treated large number of patients and provided them relief from ailments. ARC is a well-established Ayurvedic centre and a leader in traditional Ayurvedic therapy in Lucknow. We have earned the recognition and the business strength from to the range of quality services offered by us to our clients.

Life, as we know it, is full of vicissitudes, be it in work life, family life, personal life or social life. Issues arise when the ups and downs of life start minding the health of a human being. Stress at workplace may hamper one’s well-being in other spheres of life. Or a skin problem may demean one’s personality to an extent when one stops interacting with the outside world.
We here, treat with utmost care and touch your lives with the goodness of Ayurveda. Please let us help you in leading life in best possible way and we will not disappoint you.

Process of purification and rejuvenation.

Ayurvigyan Rejuvnation Centre


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