Hair Texture / Hair Fall

Hair Texture / Hair Fall

(100 customer review)

Rs. 1,000/- to 3,000/-

1 Days

Believe us that if your hair is falling fast then you do not need to apply expensive hair products because there are such things at your home which according to Ayurveda can remove your baldness immediately. Ayurveda offers a treasure in Hair Texture / Hair Fall herbs treatments.

Product Description

ARC Ayurvedic Hair Texture / Hair Fall package includes a combination of any two or three of the following therapies depending upon the body constitution of the guest, done under the supervision of a qualified Ayurvedic Physician. - Charak Balance, Marma Therapy, Nadi Swedana Along with rasayanas and a nourishing diet.

Customer Reviews

Nov 01, 2019

Good Service was offered to me. Thanks all staf members for your support

Mrs. Singh
April 15, 2020

Thanks to all the staff members also thanks a lot Ayurvigyan Rejuvnation Centre (ARC).

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